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Tech for Good: Are There Any New Apps/Websites to Help Nonprofits Become Successful?

Are there any new apps to help non profits become successful?

It can truly be trying to push your nonprofit organization into the realms of success. Thankfully, in today's age, we have the internet! There are many free or low-cost mobile applications and websites that will help you manage your social media accounts, boost donations, and increase productivity. We've done the hard part for you and found some excellent mobile applications and websites to take your nonprofit to the next level.

  • Board Director:

Board director is a website that allows nonprofits to easily manage and communicate with their board member and allows organization of board documents in one place.

  • Buffer: search for 'Buffer' in your mobile device app store

Buffer allows your nonprofit's social media manager to schedule posts on social media outlets throughout the day. This app has an analytical tool that will help you analyze the best and worst times to share your content.

  • Periscope: search for 'Periscope' in your mobile device app store

Periscope is an app that connects to Twitter and enables nonprofits to broadcast live from events or while on location.

  • Check-In For Good: Google Play

Check-In For Good is an Android app that allows nonprofit organizations to create their own free cause page and then partner with businesses to collect donations when someone checks in at that business location. This is a great choice for nonprofits because it is not only boosting donations for the nonprofit, but driving business for the local community.

  • Creatives Without Borders:

Creatives Without Borders connects nonprofits in need of graphic and web-design skills to artists that are willing to work for free. This not only helps out your nonprofit with new, eye-catching graphics, but also could give up-and-coming artists increased exposure.

  • Duolingo:

This website has free access to online language learning tools. For nonprofits that work internationally, this is a fantastic way to learn the basics o

f a new language. It could also be a major help to nonprofit social media managers.

Check out the above websites and applications and let us know how they helped your nonprofit! Contact us for more tips on how to grow your nonprofit.

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