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Stewarding Your Finances: What are some ways to help my charity save money so we can spend more on t

What are some creative ways to help my charity save money so we can spend more on the actual charity itself?

As a charity organization, it is of utmost importance to show the public that their donations are being used appropriately. Far too many scandals have surfaced over the years of funds being mishandled or embezzled; this, along with basic integrity and practicality, calls us to the highest standards of stewardship.

One way to make the most of your finances is by learning how to cut costs in day-to-day operations. Is your charity weighed down with "bills! bills! bills!"? Let's take a look at a few ideas that just might reduce your expenses.

  1. Lights and Appliances. Because of the recent societal efforts to "go green", modern lighting and electric appliances have made significant advances in efficiency. If yours are out of date, consider making an investment in current models that will reduce your energy bill and save money in the long run.

  2. Consider Sharing An Office. If renting or purchasing your own office space requires too large a percentage of your finances, you may enjoy the opportunity to join up with some other organization and split costs (of course, it's ideal if both parties share similar values and world views; this reduces the likelihood of conflict or tension).

  3. Buy It Used. When it comes to things like furniture, decor, or even vehicle's for your charity, you can literally save thousands of dollars by purchasing them secondhand; it may take a little more time and effort to find good deals, but good deals are out there!

  4. Invite Businesses To Sponsor Events. This is beneficial for everyone involved, as it creates publicity at a low cost for you, and a good image for the sponsor (popular choices are local restaurants for a catered banquet, or a radio station hosting a concert, etc.).

These are just a few ways to make adjustments in the way your charity is run. You can get as detailed as you want, whether it means analyzing where you buy the snacks and coffee, or if music helps your staff work more efficiently, or if there are more ways to transfer from paper to software, the list goes on. After a while, you will naturally start seeing opportunities for betterment in this area.

For more information on how to grow your charity, contact us at Gift of Compassion.

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