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How Can I Set a Religious New Year's Resolution For My Family That They Will Want to Keep?

How can I set a religious New Year's resolution for my family that they will want to keep?

New Year's resolutions are an old tradition. The idea that the new year can bring a new you is universal, and people have set goals and made boasts for the coming year since time immemorial. If you're thinking about setting a religious goal for your resolution (perhaps to go to services twice a week, instead of just on the occasional Sunday), then that is a great thing for you. If you want to make a resolution as a family, though, there's one, important thing you must keep in mind if you want this resolution to hold.

People only keep the resolutions they want to.

How Can I Set a Religious New Year's Resolution My family Will Want to Keep?

The simple answer is that the resolution you set must be one that everyone wants. Telling someone, "you're going to spend more time volunteering at the church," is not a resolution they'll want to keep if you're making it for them. You may as well tell someone, "you're going to lose ten pounds this year."

If their heart isn't in it, they're not going to do it. It's really that simple.

That's why it's so important to talk to your family, and to listen to what they want. You need to be persuasive, and you need to make sure they genuinely want to keep any resolutions you make as a family. If they aren't enthused, or are doing it just to make you happy, then that sort of commitment isn't going to last.

For more advice on how you can keep your loved ones more involved in your spiritual life, simply contact us today!

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