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I struggle with getting taken advantage of because I am always willing to "turn the other cheek

I struggle with getting taken advantage of because I am always willing to "turn the other cheek." How do I honor my faith and also stand up for myself?

The scriptures have told us that we are "the light of the world." (Matt. 15:14) We have a responsibility to stand up for our faith, and a responsibility to stand up for ourselves, especially in situations that could prove harmful to us.

When Jesus Christ admonished us to "turn the other cheek" (Matthew 5:39) He was giving us a new law to replace Moses's eye-for-an-eye philosophy. Under the new law, men wouldn't treat each other so callously, but instead would strive to love each other as best they could, turning the other cheek when someone hurt them to show their humility and their love towards that person. However, Jesus Christ did not say, "allow yourself to be taken advantage of by turning the other cheek." He did tell us to love our enemies, and do good to those who hurt us (Matthew 5).

One of the best ways we can determine how to act in any given situation is to ask, "What would Jesus do?" There were times in Jesus Christ's life where He was humble and turned the other cheek (like when he healed the ear of the guard who came to crucify him in Luke 22:49-51), but also times when He was very adamant about His standards (such as when he cast out the publicans from the temple in Matthew 21). He would not allow His work (and by extension, His Father's work) to be walked over or made to be less than it was, but He showed endless love unto His people, even when He knew they wanted Him dead.

We can show love to everyone, but still be firm in our beliefs. Jesus Christ never wanted us to be taken advantage of, but He knew we would probably be persecuted for our beliefs, just as He was. As we follow our conscience and look at what Jesus Christ would have done, we will be able to see His purpose and better emulate that ourselves.

To find out more about how to remember Jesus Christ and be more like Him, contact us!

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