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How can I get my kids to turn off the video games and turn up the community service?

Every parent at some point has asked themselves a question similar to this one. Perhaps video games aren't always the issue, but we can replace that with social media, cable TV, etc, and parents will find something to rally against. These individual activities however are simply distractions.

Kids Have Time and Want Activities

Video games are distractions that kids will use to occupy themselves during unused time. Modern parents are busy. Raising and providing for a family is not simple (nor should it be!). Many of the most rewarding experiences in life take a lot of work. However, when you pause one day and notice that your children are filling large time voids with things like video games, the message they are sending to you is, "I have free time."

Make Community Service Routine

As a adults we fondly remember family traditions from when we were young. Some traditions happen naturally, but as a parent you can lead your family toward the activities you want to routinely engage in. The earlier you start, the easier it will be, but it is never too late. Remember, your kids have free time. Start by choosing one day a week and set it aside biweekly for community service. That will give you two outings a month where your kids will serve the community. Do an online search for your local homeless shelter directory, and set up your first outing today.

Community Service is Rewarding and Fun

The point is to make memories together. Don't do this alone! Remember, all parents find themselves asking questions like this. Your neighbors, members of your church, or any parent with children would benefit from getting a community service routine started today.

Join up with another family that has kids of similar ages. Make this a social engagement for them, and soon they will look forward to being off the couch and serving at soup kitchens with their new friends. This is not just about work. They will create their own memories to look back on fondly.

In Matthew 22:39 Jesus tells us to, "love your neighbor as yourself." What better way to practice is there than by serving our homeless neighbors, together with other neighbors and members of our community?

For more ideas about how to get your kids involved, contact us today!

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