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The Hands of Doubting Thomas

Why did Thomas doubt Jesus had risen from the dead?

Thomas has been much maligned for not believing Jesus arose from the dead when he first heard the news. For two millennia, he has been primarily known as "Doubting Thomas". Yes, he had questions, but he also had the courage to ask them. Let's take a closer look at why Thomas doubted Jesus had risen from the dead, and why he needed proof.

Thomas, like the rest of us, was a human being with a fallen nature. It was completely natural for him to disbelieve the news that a murdered man with whom he had traveled, ate, rested, laughed, and worked beside for three years had come back to life. Would we behave any differently, especially after witnessing our friend's lifeless form nailed to a cross? Most, if not all of us would need to experience some form of proof.

Scripture shows us that Thomas was no different from the rest of the disciples regarding this doubt. Both John and Peter disbelieved Mary Magdalene's news of the resurrection until they ran to the tomb, and found it empty. (John 20: 3-8, and Luke 24: 11)

Because we live in flesh and blood bodies, we receive knowledge through our physical senses. If we can see, taste, smell, hear, or touch something, then it becomes real to us.

Jesus is gracious to us in that he meets us where we are. Our questions and doubts are the beginning of our understanding of what He means to us. The answers come from experience. Although Thomas needed to touch Jesus to confirm that his friend had actually arisen, Jesus did not belittle Thomas for his doubts, but rather reached out to him with nail-scarred hands, moving the disciple to firm belief.

What is the lesson we can learn from Thomas? Even in his doubts, Thomas was faithful to meet with the other disciples, where he found his risen Lord ready to accept him with all of his flaws. Thomas responded with the greatest testimony to Jesus offered in scripture. "My Lord and my God." (John 20: 28)

What Jesus says next to Thomas is a special gift to all of us. "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20: 29)

When we entertain the image of Thomas reaching out to place his hand into the spear wound in Jesus' side, let's remember that Jesus reached out to us first.

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