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No man is an island, why make an effort to be involved in your community?

When someone asks, "why make an effort to be involved in your community?", here is the answer. "Because I am the community. I am part of the congregation. When surrounded by my peers in fellowship, all I do and all that my surrounding neighbors and friends do, affects everyone."

It's so very easy. The word community comes from Latin and Middle French, common, with a loose association to town. Basically, when you look back into history or let's say, look at a small town or an island and examine a small group that shares a historical, cultural or religious background, it is easier to see how being involved comes quite naturally.

If an entire island depends on survival by harvesting the apple crop and some people don't participate, the apples go rotten or others have to work harder to ensure survival for all. If the entire island becomes polluted because some colony members choose to pollute, this pollution affects everyone.

Likewise, when people get involved in the community and begin working toward a common goal, life can work out and go on. Life can improve. While the most important reason for involvement is to ensure survival, another important reason is the comfort of helping others and having others to help you.

When any group shares common goals or beliefs, bonds and relationships form and the community grows stronger and prospers. On our imaginary island we are picturing, it is difficult for people to leave or separate because the members depend on each other. In other collectives, this is still true, even in a huge metropolis with many residents. The group's members must work together and in doing so find many rewards to be reaped.

Small or large, many associations or leagues lean in together at some time or another to raise funds to benefit the community. Contact us to find out more about fundraising efforts that make it easy and rewarding to become involved with helping your community.

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