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Beyond the Money: How can we be charitable in our everyday lives?

When we hear the word "charity," we often automatically think of giving money to people or causes that are financially in need. So we write a check or empty our wallets, and move on with our day. But what if charity encompassed more of who we are? What if it overflowed into every aspect of our routines and relationships? What would that look like? How can we be charitable in our everyday lives, beyond giving money?

Let's take a look at some other resources we have, that we could give generously, in love and compassion.

  • Compliments and Affirmation: We talk a lot, but how do we use our words as a charitable resource? Let's be generous and loving toward others with our words, taking every opportunity to encourage and bless the people around us.

  • Hospitality: God has blessed us with so much, and it is good to share those gifts with others. We can open our homes to guests, make food for our neighbors, provide transportation, and give material gifts as needed. Let's consider carefully the things that God has entrusted to us, and how we can use them well to benefit others.

  • Acts of Service: If we have the physical strength to lend a helping hand, we should do it! It could be as small as making a sandwich, or as big as building a house. No job is too insignificant, if we want to demonstrate the love of Christ.

  • Time: It is easy to fill our schedules, staying busy and rushing from event to event. But time is an incredibly valuable resource, and when we give it as a gift, it can bless people in ways that nothing else can. Let us intentionally set aside time during our day to listen, visit, play, laugh, pray, or share our story with someone else.

Christ was charitable in all these ways, during his earthly ministry. He granted forgiveness, fed the multitudes, healed the sick, washed feet, and patiently explained salvation... not to mention, he gave the ultimate sacrifice for our sins! Let's follow in his footsteps: "For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you." (John 13:15, ESV)

Please contact us if you would like to know more.

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