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Me First? When Have I Given Enough?

Is it wrong to put yourself first when so many others in the world have less? Where do you draw the line for giving?

Is it wrong to put yourself first when so many others in the world have less? Should I put myself first? In the secular world, the answer to this would be an unequivocal, "YES! Put yourself first always, poor people are not your responsibility." Some even consider it foolish to donate to churches, charities, or other good causes. In a "me first" generation, selfishness is considered a virtue.

Those who follow the example of Jesus put others first. "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do." John 13:15." No matter how little you think you have, there will always be people who have less. Do what you can do. Give as you are able. Any gift of any size will benefit someone. You may not be able to help everyone, but you can help one. You may pass them on the street one day and never realize your act of kindness changed a life.

Where do you draw the line for giving? What should my limits be for helping those who don't have what they need?

Where do you draw the line at receiving? Has anyone ever helped you out of a bad situation, loaned you money, or given you a pass when you made a mistake? Aren't you grateful they didn't draw the line at your problems?Where did our Father draw the line in giving to us? He sacrificed His own son for our sake so that we may have eternal life. He had no line when it came to what He would do for us. We are thankful He didn't draw the line at us! We support Feed the Children because so many little ones around the world don't have enough food; while here in America we have so much. There is need everywhere. Perhaps there is a cause that moves your heart. We may be able to give you some assistance in your effort to do something.

Contact us to explore the possibilities of raising money for those you want to help.

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