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Why is the Act of Giving Actually a Gift to Yourself?

The act of giving is one of humankind's most basic needs. It's reflected in the gifts we give each other at celebrations, sacrificial giving in religious ceremonies, and is an inherent component within our political systems. For example, every society has rules regarding the care of orphans and the elderly. You might say that giving is as much a rule of the universe as life, death, and gravity.

Looking at it from a Biblical perspective, giving begins on the first page of Genesis and continues through to the last page of Revelation. Genesis tells of God giving life to the universe, to Adam and Eve, and how in turn their children give back with offerings to the Father. In Revelation, the culmination of God's Word is Jesus' invitation to come and partake in the free gift of the water of life (22:17). The main activity of Heaven, we find, is giving praise.

Is it any wonder, then, that during our time on earth we're driven to help others and seek out ways to benefit humankind? We're made in such a way that reaching out to help others is just as important to our mental and physical health as eating and sleeping each day. In fact, a study of volunteers showed that after giving at least 100 hours of their time over the period of one year, "68 percent reported that it made them feel physically healthier;" while 89 percent had an improved sense of well-being, and 73 percent experienced a reduction in stress.

If you're yearning to give and just want to know how, contact us today to learn more about Gift of Compassion.

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